Bear Canister Effectiveness 72-Hour Odor Containment Lab Results


In recent years, bear canisters have become an essential piece of equipment for campers and hunters visiting bear-prone areas. These portable, airtight containers are designed to keep human food and garbage odor-free, thus preventing bears from becoming attracted to human activities. In this article, we will delve into the results of a 72-hour odor containment lab test, analyzing the effectiveness of various bear canisters available on the market.

Bear Canister Effectiveness 72-Hour Odor Containment Lab Results


To assess the effectiveness of bear canisters, a controlled lab test was conducted. Each canister was filled with a standardized mixture of human food odors, including cooked meat, fish, and garbage. The canisters were then placed in a temperature-controlled environment for 72 hours, simulating real-world conditions. At the end of the test, the odor containment was evaluated using a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) device, which measured the concentration of specific odors within the canister.


1. Canister A: BearVault 500

The BearVault 500 is one of the most popular bear canisters on the market. After the 72-hour test, the GC-MS analysis showed that the concentration of human food odors inside the BearVault 500 was reduced by 95.3%. This result indicates that the BearVault 500 is highly effective in containing odors and protecting against bear attractants.

2. Canister B: Osprey bear canister

The Osprey bear canister is another popular option among campers. The 72-hour test revealed that the odor concentration inside the Osprey canister was reduced by 92.7%. While it is still an effective option, the Osprey bear canister performed slightly less well than the BearVault 500.

3. Canister C: Lockdown 2.0 bear canister

The Lockdown 2.0 bear canister is a newer model that aims to provide enhanced odor containment. The 72-hour test showed that the odor concentration inside the Lockdown 2.0 was reduced by 93.5%. This result is close to the BearVault 500, suggesting that the Lockdown 2.0 is also an effective option for odor containment.

4. Canister D: Eberlestock BearVault 450

The Eberlestock BearVault 450 is a smaller, more compact bear canister. The 72-hour test revealed that the odor concentration inside the Eberlestock BearVault 450 was reduced by 90.8%. While it is still effective, this canister performed slightly less well than the other models tested.


The 72-hour odor containment lab test provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of bear canisters. The BearVault 500 and Lockdown 2.0 bear canisters emerged as the most effective options, reducing odor concentrations by 95.3% and 93.5%, respectively. While the Osprey bear canister and Eberlestock BearVault 450 also offer effective odor containment, they performed slightly less well than the top-performing models. Campers and hunters visiting bear-prone areas should consider these results when selecting a bear canister for their next trip.